Monday, March 17, 2008

My sick, rotted out and chipped tooth

For those of you who don't know what I have been going through with my teeth, here is the story. I have never had teeth problems my who life until now. When I was pregnant with Jane I started having a lot of teeth problems. Two weeks ago I had to have 2 root canals and I have 8 more cavities besides that. This tooth is one of the ones I had a root canal on. They put a temporary filling on it until they put a crown on it this Saturday. While I was eating Yesterday a huge chunk of my actual tooth fell off. At first I thought it was the filling, but then I realized it definitely wasn't.

Just in case you can't tell, the grayish, greenish, black part is where the tooth broke and that is the rotted part of my tooth. The whiter part is the temporary filling. So sick, I know.


Melissa said...

Hey Jess, you know how much I love you, but that is disgusting! Try brushing your teeth or something ;)

Jonathan said...

Man, that is insane. I've also had a bunch of teeth problems, and root canals are not fun (you have to keep your mouth open wide for a long time). Hopefully you can get everything ship-shape.