Thursday, January 15, 2009

Stairway of death

Here we are at this little town where they grow everything on terraces below their houses. This is an old staircase that goes down to the terraces. My family has hikes up them before and they warned us that they are very dangerous because the stairs are really narrow and if you were to fall you would literally fall off the side of the mountain. Roy and I were the only ones brave enough to attempt them. We started climbing up and once we got to where you see the local guys in the picture, they warned us, in broken english, to stop. I asked them why, and they said "small, very small" refering to the stairs. we still wanted to try, so then they started using hand signals to show a person falling off the side. At this point Roy was freaked out and he said 'if the locals don't think we should do it then there is no way we are doing it. ". It was still very cool to see even though we didn't get to go the whole way. It is probably for the better considering the whole pregnancy, off balance thing.

This picture gives you a really good veiw of what the terraces look like. They just cover the side of the mountain. Roy and I hiked all the way from the white structure behind us to where we are in the picture. It was so beautful.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Once again...did you forget you were pregnant???